martes, 23 de octubre de 2012



Halloween Also Known As Night of the Dead, is a celebration of Celtic origin celebrated primarily in the United States, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom and in 
Anglo-Saxon countries such as Mexico and Colombia on the night of October 31.

The day is often associated with the colors orange, black and purple and is strongly associated with symbols like the Jack of the lantern. Typical activities include the famous trick or treating and costume parties, plus bonfires, visiting haunted houses, jokes, reading scary stories and watching horror movies.

The word "Halloween" is used for the first time in the sixteenth century and means eve of All Saints.

It is believed that the use of costumes and masks is due to the need to ward off evil spirits.

Today, children dress up for the occasion and walk the streets trick or treating door to door. After knocking children utter the phrase "trick or treat", "trick or treating" or "naughty or sweet ' .


 Halloween contraction of All Hallows 'Eve,' Night of All Saints also known as Halloween or Night of the Dead, is a celebration of Celtic origin celebrated primarily in the United States, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom and in countries Anglo not like Mexico and Colombia on the night of October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holiday All Saints' Day.

elaborado por: Evelyn Dayana Correa Martinez

                        Manuela Betancur Giraldo
                        Camila Campiño Chalarca 
                        Manuela Muñoz Quiceno